TechnoAlpin Indoor offers expert consultation for indoor snow concepts, assisting customers with the integration of snow in the initial design phase of spa concepts and this way providing individualized solutions for any business in order to elevate the guest’s spa experience.
Indoor snow is a special highlight for luxury wellness and spa areas, fitness centres and private luxury real estates - a new way of cooling down that guests will surely remember.
The SNOWROOM is cooled to -10° C (14°F) and filled with real snow, made from only water and air. Fresh snow is made every night, so fresh powder snow is ready every morning to delight your guests. The entire body cools down efficiently and gently: the respiratory tract and lungs, all organs and brain cells cool down at a slow pace. The skin is cooled over the entire surface without any damage to the tissue. Cooling down in the SNOWROOM is invigorating, the body and the mind relax and regenerate.
SNOWSKY is the most sophisticated alternative for cooling down: a real snowfall in the middle of the room. The falling snow is joined by cold light, revitalising the spirit. The magical transformation from water into snow creates a grounding feeling, calming and relaxing all the senses. The cold snowflakes land and melt slowly on the warm skin.
Snow is the gentlest version of cooling down and can be enjoyed by both men and women of any age. The benefits of cold therapy are accessible to all, with no shock or dizziness.